Little Known Ways to find Money for College

college girl studying

Joining the military is a great way to get free college money. Yes, it takes work and there are risks, but the new GI bill allows some to get full tuition paid!

And joining the military does not always mean combat. There are literally hundreds of jobs that are stateside and in offices. Check out the new GI bill

In some states, they are giving away free money for college to families who start a 529 college savings account.

These states include Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Utah. Many of these states only give it to low income college students. Some other states offer grants as well. Contact your state to find out if they give out college money.

Contact the company that employs your parents. Many companies and businesses have grants and scholarships for member's children to attend college.

Do your parents use credit cards? Do they like the cashback bonuses? Some credit cards will put this cash in a college fund. Have your parents research credit companies that offer this free cash for college.

Do you or your parents shop online? Some websites and stores offer cash bonuses that go into a college saving account for shopping at their website or business.

When you graduate high school or have a birthday, ask for cash instead of gifts. Promise that it will go directly to helping you pay for college.

With college getting more expensive, college students need to look for unique ways of raising cash for college.

Tap into your relatives for money for college Grandparents are a good bet to hit up for cash. But they won't know you are looking for college money unless you ask!

Don't forget aunts and uncles. Remember how they helped you with little silly fund raising school projects? You are a better fund raising prospect!

New tax deductions put more cash back in your pocket The deduction for college expenses has increased. Make sure mom and dad know this if they claim you. If you claim yourself, take it as well!

Colleges are giving bigger awards The federal government is giving larger Pell Grants. Many private schools are actually increasing their financial aid packages. This is in spite of state schools making budget cuts. Sometimes a private college means lower out of pocket expenses.

City and Community Colleges are a bargain If you go full time to a community college, and get financial aid. You will leave yourself with money in the bank. The cost of a community college is far less.

Federal Loans are bigger and easier to repay. Federal Student loans have increased. A freshman can now borrow up to $5,500.

Contact your college or university. They also have college savings 529 plans where they may contribute money or give a discount on tuition. Many of these colleges will let you lock in a tuition rate. For example, if one year tuition costs $15,000 now, it may be $20,000 in ten years. These programs allow you to lock in that cheaper rate now for a student going to college in a few years.

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